Still haven't found time to blog about our New Hampshire vacation two weeks ago, or at Canobie Lake this past Friday with Inquest ... hoping to get back on track with everything this week. Before the boys all end up back in school next week that is.
It was quite the weekend. New Hampshire Friday, NYC Saturday. My sister and brother in law were awesome enough to watch the twins while Al worked Saturday so I could take the Big Guy with me to NYC for a blogger event with American Eagle's 77 Kids Style School.
I worried about how the Big Guy would do coming off of such a long day at Canobie Lake the day before. The walking, the bus ride... a late night meal and everyone in bed around 10pm. I packed everything before I went to bed and set the alarm for 5am so I could take care of anything extra. The Big Guy? I wasn't going to wake till the last moment. That child was up 10 minutes after me with bloodshot eyes claiming he was ready to go. I tried to get him to go back to sleep for an hour but had no luck. Dressed in moments, he sat on the couch with his things and ate a frozen yogurt pop.
To avoid a really long post I'm going to turn this into a photo essay. I will tell you we had an awesome time and I was so grateful I was able to take him with me. While he's still a little young to understand we got to do this because Mommy writes, I do hope its something he realizes in the future when he's frustrated I'm 'on the computer again'. I? Realized just how funny my child is. Hysterical in fact when removed from his brothers and exploring somewhere new.
We met so many really nice bloggers this time around and not only did the Big Guy get his hair styled, he even volunteered to sit at the Play-Doh table and play while I spoke with some company representatives. Also? Awesome swag from Lands End, Goody, Motts (I wanna be a Mott's Mom!!!), MomAgenda and more. And? You just might see something new come out from MomAgenda in the future. I will point you back to this very post and say MY IDEA! You're welcome! (How cool is that!)

So cute! I love that you were able to take your son and he looks like he loved it!